Ozone : The Next Step

by Jan 5, 2021Cleaning & Maintenance

Ozone is made up of three oxygen atoms (O3) that is produced by sunlight and lightning.  It leaves behind that clean air smell. Ozone can be harnessed by passing oxygen(O2) over a UV lamp, splitting the molecules into individual atoms. These atoms then join with other oxygen molecules to form ozone.  Using this method only produces 100-1000 parts per million ozone.

Our system only uses the pool pump for delivery. The ozonated air is pulled into the pool water on the suction side of the pump. The impeller creates tiny bubbles that allow the ozone to pressurize between the pump and filter.  This is where the magic happens! Inside the filter, the ozone breaks down any organic compounds (sunscreen, makeup, oils, etc.) and changes ammonia compounds so they can’t combine and/or use up any chlorine. The other good news is that the generator only adds oxygen, so no other bad elements can be created.  With that, many bi-products leave the pool surface by “gassing-off.”

The major difference between ozone and chlorine is how it oxidizes.  Chlorine will combine with organic compounds in the water resulting in a lot of free chlorine usage so it cannot treat the water as a biocide and residual.  Therefore, we see a lot of pools with scum lines and clogged filters.  The other draw back is the formation of chloramines (red eyes and skin irritation).  This is chlorine combining with nitrogen-containing compounds that again consumes too much of the free chlorine.  This is why you hear the term “shocking the pool”.  Too much of the free product is being used to oxidize instead of sanitize, so more is needed.  

Ozone comes in as the primary oxidizer, not sanitizer. This allows your primary sanitizer, whether its chlorine/bromine or UV(we prefer UV), to be more effective. The oxidizing reagent abilities of ozone is far superior because it reacts so much faster.  This allows it to not combine with, but instead, causes organic and nitrogen compounds to break apart. The smaller molecules then become more water soluble and some even gas-off at the pools surface.  Other compounds, such as sweat, are changed so they can’t combine with your sanitizer as well.  All this to say, ozone is the primary oxidizer so your sanitizer can perform at another level, so “shocking” or using other specialty chemicals becomes a thing of the past.

Benefits of Ozone:

  • A more natural feel to the water
  • Fewer chemicals and longer equipment life means saving $$$
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